"Aronson Stack For Everybody" 71-page PDF manuscript with more than 50 full-color graphics and illustrations comes in THREE formats:
— PDF file sent via email: only $15
— 8.5" x 11" full-color printed manuscript with glossy cover:
only $25 (postage paid in the US)
(or you can get BOTH for only $35 US)
(see also PERSONALIZED, 1-on-1 instruction below)
In 1979, Simon Aronson gave the world of magic an incredible tool - A Stack To Remember - which has come to be known as the "Aronson stack," a seemingly random arrangement of cards that has amazing miracle properties built into it.
Many magicians have avoided adding memorized deck work to their repertoires because of the daunting task of committing a stacked deck to memory. Struggling to grasp the associations of the cards and their locations within the stack, most quit after a few hours or days. I was the same way... until a Harry Anderson manuscript got me to thinking about how to make this process easier.
PMS, my Peg Memory System, was born. Suddenly, I found that it was not only easy but FUN to commit the stack to memory (I myself learned the stack in an hour while driving)!
"Aronson Stack for Everybody" is a streamlined, GRAPHICAL method for easily and quickly learning the Aronson stack (all with Simon's stamp of approval).
BTW, this same technique works great for EVERY memorized stack out there including Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz, The Six-Hour Memorized Deck by Martin Joyal, the Nikola stack and others.
Even though THERE ARE NO ACTUAL TRICKS TAUGHT IN THIS MANUSCRIPT, it does contain LINKS to several FREE memorized deck tricks and other resources (including a FREE e-book from Simon Aronson himself)! Please refer to the writings of Aronson, Tamariz, Close and others for the many uses of this incredible tool.
For tricks using the Aronson stack, see the WORKSHOP manuscript (below).
====== Testimonials ======
"I can't thank you enough for sharing your PMS with us. I GOT this! I never thought I would be able to do this, but I actually memorized a stacked deck! I tried several times [with other systems] to commit a stack to memory, and failed miserably each time. It was a tedious struggle, and I got frustrated because I kept backsliding. Eventually, I lost interest. NOW, because I can recall the card/position, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, I will be able to say I mastered a stacked deck, and it will be because of YOU. Thank you SO much!"
-- Darryl H.
"I have been reading "Aronson Stack for Everybody." Wow, what a GREAT book! The PMS is even BETTER than I expected. I can now name EVERY card based on its stack number. The system is really easy to use, and doesn't take long to master. I have tried in the past to learn the Aronson stack, but it never worked for me. YOUR system worked, and it was EASY! A BIG THANKS for making these notes available! You could charge TWICE the amount for these notes and they would still be a bargain."
-- Rick H.
Regarding Aronson Stack For Everybody and Mnemonica For Everybody: "Great booklets! They are terrific!"
-- Marc Salem
Only $60 (postage paid in the US)
The "Aronson Stack For Everybody Workshop Manuscript" (a PDF on the disk) features:
-- A unique, easy-to-read CARD MARKING SYSTEM (CM) explained and illustrated in detail
It also includes some great effects that you can use with your newfound knowledge of the stack, PMS and my CM system:
-- ACAAN FOR EVERYONE: Any Card At Any Number made easy
-- 4 ON THE FLOOR: 4 spectators memorize cards taken from 4 different places in the deck and shuffle everything up. You locate them all!
-- BLIND BRUBECK: an impossible location effect based on "Brubeck" from my "Parole" lecture notes
-- MARKY MARK: another version of Blind Brubeck, but with up to 4 selections!
-- DEVASTATION DOWN: a fun take on one of the most popular effects from my "Mother" lecture notes
-- HUM V: Bob Hummer's "3-Cup Trick" with cards
-- LIMELIGHT: A SILENT CODE to use while working with a secret partner (who does NOT have to know ANY stack at all!)
-- KNIGHT'S TOUR GUIDE: excerpted from my "Parole" lecture notes
-- false shuffles, glimpses, revelations and MORE!
AS A SPECIAL BONUS, the WORKSHOP CD also includes…
(versions for Mac, PC and Linux are included on the disk)
• "ARONSON STACK FOR EVERYBODY TRAINER": a full-color, multi-function app to quiz you on the cards and stack numbers as well as helping you practice "ACAAN For Everyone" from the manuscript.
• "4 ON THE FLOOR TRAINER": a full-color app designed to help you easily practice one of the effects from the trick manuscript that uses 4 spectators (a BIG help if you don't have 4 spectators handy for practicing).
• "LIMELIGHT TRAINER": a full-color app to practice a quick & simple SILENT CODE.
For those interested, The Workshop Manuscript PDF (without the computer apps disk), is available for $20 (PDF only, sent via email)
Important Note:
The Workshop Manuscript contains tricks, moves and techniques to supplement the knowledge you have from my "Aronson Stack For Everybody" learning system. This manuscript does NOT teach you the Aronson stack! Although there are some "stack independent" ideas, tricks and techniques in this book, some of this manuscript uses pegwords taught in my PMS system and will make sense only to those who are familiar with my "Aronson Stack For Everybody" book.
"Mnemonica For Everybody" is a 69-page PDF manuscript with more than 50 full-color graphics and illustrations comes in TWO formats:
— PDF file sent via email: only $15
— 8.5" x 11" full-color printed manuscript with glossy cover:
only $25 (postage paid in the US)
You can get BOTH for only $35 US
(see also PERSONALIZED, 1-on-1 instruction below)
"Mnemonica for Everybody" is a streamlined, GRAPHICAL method for easily and quickly learning the Tamariz stack.
It's the same Peg Memory System (PMS) I developed that I used to learn the Aronson Stack in an hour while driving (see above).
BTW, this same technique works great for EVERY memorized stack out there including the Aronson Stack, The Six-Hour Memorized Deck by Martin Joyal, the Nikola stack and others.
Even though THERE ARE NO ACTUAL TRICKS TAUGHT IN THIS MANUSCRIPT, it does contain LINKS to several FREE memorized deck tricks and other resources (including a FREE e-book from Simon Aronson)!
Please refer to the writings of Tamariz, Aronson, Michael Close, Pit Hartling and others for the many uses of this incredible tool.
Also, see my Workshop manuscript above which contains tricks & techniques that can be used with ANY memorized deck configurations).
1-on-1 Instruction of my "PMS" Learning System
for either the Aronson or Tamariz Stack
(through Skype or Zoom)
Only $50
(2 x 1-hour sessions or a single 2-hr session)
which ALSO includes a FREE PDF manuscript of either the Aronson Stack or Mnemonica (see descriptions above)
Okay, you're a card magician and you've got some down time. You've always wanted to learn a memorized deck but felt it was too formidable. NOBODY in their right mind wants to sit down and do brute force memorization. I get that. I would NEVER in a thousand years do that either (I tried and gave up fairly quickly).
Then I stumbled upon a radical new way (actually, it's a simplified/modified version of an old system) to easily remember a memorized deck WITHOUT having to go through the weeks and weeks of pain and practice. I WAS FLOORED!
Since then, I have thoroughly developed this simplified - streamlined - system to make learning a memorized stack easy (and actually FUN)! I call it "PMS" (for Peg Memory System).
Let me iterate that I am not a memory genius with some weird aptitude toward this kind of stuff. I'm a regular person (probably just like YOU). But I figured out a way to make it all make sense and now I want to share it with you. If I can do it, ANYBODY can.
(Not to brag but this easy peasy system let me learn BOTH the Aronson and Tamariz stacks!)
I am now offering PERSONALIZED 1-on-1 training to anyone ANYWHERE who is interested in learning either the Aronson Stack or the Tamariz Stack (a.k.a. Mnemonica) in a short series of Skype/Zoom sessions ($50 for TWO 1-hr sessions). This price ALSO includes a pdf of the book (a $15 value), a pdf of my card marking systems, as well as my preferred handling of ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number). The simple TIPS I'll give you will BLOW YOUR MIND and make this the MOST FUN trick you can do for anyone!
I GUARANTEE that at the end of the two hours of training you'll have a firm grasp of EVERY card in the stack.
NO-RISK GUARANTEE: If for any reason at the end of the training you decide that this system isn't easy, fun, effective or just isn't for you, we will part as friends and you will owe nothing (and you can keep the pdfs). No hard feelings.
You have everything to gain and NOTHING to lose. PM or email me today and we can talk.
"Geoff, working with you one-on-one made a HUGE difference in the ease of learning the stack. Your mnemonic system is superlative, but being able to have you walk me through it and understand the simplicity was PERFECT! What an awesome offer...I hope other magicians take advantage of your kind offer."
-- Tom Vorjohan
"UNBIASED REVIEW: Your system was SUPER EASY to learn and remember. Once the imagery is in your head, you're golden! Highly recommended!"
-- Chipper Lowell
"Geoff gets this memory stuff like other people don't."
-- Alan P.
"I can't thank you enough for sharing your PMS with us. I GOT this! I never thought I would be able to do this, but I actually memorized a stacked deck! I tried several times [with other systems] to commit a stack to memory, and failed miserably each time. It was a tedious struggle, and I got frustrated because I kept backsliding. Eventually, I lost interest. NOW, because I can recall the card/position, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, I will be able to say I mastered a stacked deck, and it will be because of YOU. Thank you SO much!"
-- Darryl H.
"I have been reading "Aronson Stack for Everybody." Wow, what a GREAT book! The PMS is even BETTER than I expected. I can now name EVERY card based on its stack number. The system is really easy to use, and doesn't take long to master. I have tried in the past to learn the Aronson stack, but it never worked for me. YOUR system worked, and it was EASY! A BIG THANKS for making these notes available! You could charge TWICE the amount for these notes and they would still be a bargain."
-- Rick H.
"I still have a ways to go to be able to know the stack inside out upside down but I am happy I can match any card to any number now thanks to your system. Thanks Geoff!"
-- Christopher P.