Geoff made
performance videos
of several of the amazing effects
in these notes.

Geoff made
performance videos
of several of the amazing effects
in these notes.
Geoff made
performance videos
of several of the amazing effects
in these notes.

NO ADULT SUPERVISION is an updated compilation of Geoff's first two sets of lecture notes: "The Lecture Your Mother Never Gave You" and "The Lecture Your Father Never Gave You."
Updated with lots of new text and illustrations, this book is filled with outstanding tricks, illusions, sleights and advice.
Geoff's first two sets of lecture notes contain some KILLER, and surprisingly-easy-to-do, COMMERCIAL material. Something for absolutely EVERYBODY (from close-up to stage performers), ALL skill levels, cards, coins, rubber bands, ring & string, bottles, tickets, sponge balls, and LOTS of miscellaneous ideas & tips to improve what you already do and to make your performing life MUCH easier.
Skill level required for most of the tricks: beginner to intermediate. There are NO second deals, one-handed top palms, multiple-coin classic palms or pipe dreams of ANY kind here. All effects are direct from Geoff's strolling, parlour and stage repertoires and are no nonsense, do-able, real-world workers (that appear to be much harder than they really are)! I can assure you that magicians of all skill levels will have fun playing with the moves and ideas in these notes.
135-page manuscript with more than 90 graphics
and illustrations comes in TWO formats:
— PDF file sent via email: only $20
— 8.5" x 11" printed manuscript
with glossy cover:
only $30 (postage paid in the US)
-- THE HAT TRICK: The close-up version of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, suitable for restaurant workers. Now you have the perfect answer to the age-old challenge.
-- THE "I HATE DAVID COPPERFIELD" TRICK: Based on "Close-Up Illusion" by Larry Jennings, a card VISIBLY MELTS through another. The visuals here go WAY BEYOND the original.
-- CARD IN POCKET: Al Koran's classic made even easier. Card palming made fun!
-- BEAR HANDS: A great packet trick for kids (or adults) where a bear jumps from a card onto a spectator's hand.
-- IS IT HOT IN HERE OR IS IT JUST ME?: How to produce a seemingly-lit cigarette from anywhere on your person AT ANY TIME in your act.
-- JUST A BIT MORE ULTIMATE THAN JOHN MENDOZA'S "ULTIMATE TORN & RESTORED CARD": The name says it all. In an e-mail to me, Mr. Mendoza (a close-up DEITY) said he thinks more of this method (of his trick which appeared in "The Book of John") than any of the "piece-by-piece" restorations out there. You're clean at the first and clean at the end. As a bonus, it's SUPER EASY to do even though the card is SIGNED ON BOTH SIDES!
-- MIRACLE COIN VANISH: This gets GASPS from spectators. Looks like real magic. (Note: a jacket or sport coat is required)
-- BACHELOR'S THREAD: Raj Madhok's marvelous method of magically producing the ring for a Ring & String routine. It just appears out of NOWHERE!
-- THREADY OR NOT: My "improved" handling for the first phase of any Ring & String routine. Originally based on the Earl Nelson move (in "Variations"), this one addresses two major discrepancies in the original.
-- DEVASTATION: This might just be the BEST impromptu card trick ON THE PLANET! Tom Daugherty's totally impossible card location that'll devastate your audience (hence the name). Note: there's NOT ONE SLEIGHT in the entire trick! Works with a borrowed deck. Worth the price of the notes MANY TIMES over.
-- MORE ON "OIL & WATER: Sam Schwartz's wondrous 3-phase, 8-card O & W routine with NO SLEIGHTS! NONE! Thanks to Sam for allowing me to include this gem with minor handling changes.
-- COLOR CULLER: J.K. Hartman gave me permission to include this beauty (originally published in "Card Craft"). I've not changed a single thing; it's included here because it's the PERFECT follow-up to the previous Schwartz effect.
-- NOTES ON "THE OMEGA BET: Based on the Karl Fulves effect, Bob Wagner has turned this into a KILLER piece of entertainment, a 5-phase whirlwind of fun for everyone in the room! A random spectator decides the final, and most impossible, bet of all. The routine uses my false overhand shuffle (which is quite easy but appears totally fair).
-- SPOTLIGHT CAMOUFLAGE: A totally NEW concept: make sleights invisible by SLOWING THEM DOWN and DRAWING ATTENTION to them (Yup, you read right). This technique can be applied to many, many moves such as...
-- ESTIMATION PASS: The Spotlight Camouflage technique as applied to the Classic Pass. You'll love the thinking behind this (it's also a lot of fun to do).
-- ESTIMATION GET-READY: Need a perfect get-ready for a double/triple/sextuple/whatever lift? This is it. Also based on the versatile Spotlight Camouflage technique.
-- READY 2 LINK: A technique that makes the get-ready for the Linking Rubberbands TOTALLY INVISIBLE. Based on Roger Klause's brilliant concept of half-moves.
-- ELECTRICAL ARTLET: Boom box cord too short to reach the wall outlet? No problem; just draw an outlet on a pad of paper, plug in the cord and the music starts right up! Based on a Fantasio effect and used with his permission.
-- UPLOOPTED: A horizontal card levitation that looks UNBELIEVABLE!
-- TORN & RESTRAWED: The classic torn & restored effect applied to a soda straw wrapper. Perfect for restaurant workers.
-- EVERYTHING'S A RADIO: A real reputation maker! Make a radio station broadcast come out of anything: a ketchup bottle, a crayon, a drawing...ANYTHING!
-- JACK ELMSLEY'S L.A. WOWEE ZOWEE CARD PREDICTION MIRACLE: A funny prediction effect that uses only two Elmsley Counts. All four cards can be examined at the end.
-- THE ONE-TWO PUNCH: A hole punched into a movie ticket is visibly pulled off of the ticket and slid onto another. Revised handling from Michael Weber's original (used with permission). A reputation maker.
-- SHUFFLING STYLES FROM AROUND THE WORLD: A modular card routine where a card is located after a series of shuffling demonstrations. Includes the marvelous "Sybil" flourish cut (thanks to Chris Kenner) which is taught with a 5-card packet for ease of learning.
-- HAIRBALLS: A multi-phased, 2-ball sponge ball routine loaded with magic and designed to keep the spectator from opening their hand early (and spoiling the surprise finish).
-- THE MAGIC COIN TEST: A modular, one-coin routine. Very easy to do.
-- 3CP: A silver dollar is produced at the fingertips in a very visual manner. It then splits into two after which a third is produced from between them. Not nearly as hard as it looks.
-- 4-WAY COINCIDENCE: A reworking of a stunning prediction routine by John Murray from "Card Cavalcade 3" by Jerry Mentzer (included with Jerry's permission). Use a borrowed, thoroughly-shuffled deck. There's only one real "move" (which is laughably simple).
-- D.E.TRIUMPHS by Don England (with permission): A Triumph-style effect that is even EASIER than Don's original handling which appeared in an issue of Onyx.
-- INVISIBLE DECK FINESSE: Makes using an Invisible Deck more fun than ever (and the reset is DURING the routine).
-- FLURIOUS, JR.: A "penny to jumbo coin" routine inspired by the Gary Kurtz original.
-- HELPING HAND: You grab your invisible assistant out of the air and he peeks out at the audience from your cupped hands before disappearing completely.
-- IF THINE EYE OFFENDS THEE: Your eyeball falls out. You wash it off in your mouth. You glue it back in. What could be more natural?
-- TWO OPENERS: Two variations on a bottle production for stage or parlour (or even close-up, if you're so inclined).
-- BIPOLAR GEORGE: Dollar bill gag where the President's expression changes quite visually.
-- THE TWO PENNY TRICK: a slight reworking of Tenkai's original impromptu miracle.
-- ARNOLD SCHWARZENQUARTER: Using your incredibly-strong thumbs, you twist the face of a normal quarter 180 degrees. A platform routine reworked for impromptu close-up.
-- 21 ALL OVER AGAIN: The venerable 21-Card Trick...performed with all the cards FACE DOWN.
-- COOKIE FORTUNES: Switch one of these in on an unsuspecting dining guest! Not just for laughs as these can be used for card revelations, too.
-- PASSES FOR THE COMMON MASSES: Try one of these hilarious alternatives to easily (and entertainingly) accomplish what normally takes years of practice. Jamy Ian Swiss, eat your heart out!
(Lecture Notes #3)
70-page manuscript with more than 50 full-color graphics
and illustrations comes in TWO formats:
— PDF file sent via email: only $15
— 8.5" x 11" full-color printed manuscript
with glossy cover:
only $25 (postage paid in the US)
Geoff's 3rd set of lecture notes contains some KILLER, and surprisingly-easy-to-do, COMMERCIAL material. Something for absolutely EVERYBODY (from close-up to stage performers), ALL skill levels, cards, coins, newspaper, rocks and LOTS of miscellaneous ideas & tips to improve what you already do and to make your performing life MUCH easier.
Skill level required for most of the tricks: beginner to intermediate. There are NO bottom deals or FISM-level impossible-to-do sleights of ANY kind here. You won't even need a change bag with colorful embroidered dragons. All effects are direct from Geoff's strolling, parlour and stage repertoires and are no nonsense, do-able, real-world workers (that appear to be much harder than they really are)! I can assure you that magicians of all skill levels will have fun playing with the moves and ideas in these notes.
-- QUADRIL: A flourishy, 4-packet, full deck cut that doesn’t disturb the order of the deck.
-- TWIN PEEKS: A spectator thinks of any in the deck while a second spectator peeks at a card. The Spec 1 names their card but the Spec 2 says that it was not the one they peeked at. After a flourish (Quadril), the “random” top card of the pack turns out to be the thought of card. It surprisingly changes to the peeked card.
-- JACKIE CHAN BACKHAND CATCH: An easy-but-impressive flourish.
-- INVISIBLE DECK FINESSE (updated): Some helpful ideas to make using an Invisible Deck not only stronger but also MUCH easier to do.
-- NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS: Individual pieces of newspaper INSTANTLY fuse back into a restored condition. Quick & easy reset!
-- THIS ONE!: A slight variation of a stunning-yet-easy-to-do packet trick by the amazing Cameron Francis. Works for stage shows, as well.
-- ROCKY SHOES: You realize that there is something wrong with your foot. Removing your shoe, you dump a LARGE ROCK out of it. Almost immediately, you dump a SECOND LARGE ROCK out of the same shoe.
-- PMS FOR EVERYONE: A MAJOR update & simplification of the Peg Memorization System as published in the works of Zufall, Nikola, Lorayne, Aronson and others.
-- THE KNIGHT’S TOUR GUIDE: An extremely difficult mental feat made easy by using Geoff’s PMS system. Makes you appear to be a mental giant!
-- FOAM SWEET FOAM: Ideas on using soft foam rubber to situate and hold items conveniently in your pocket, briefcase/show case, etc.
-- DYNAMITE 4: A 4-card multiple selection routine inspired by several sources. At the end, the deck disappears completely!
-- LURE HAT FAN CLUB (NO FISHING): Four spectators select cards at random and sit on them. With the aid of a small powerful flashlight, the magician peers down their throats and reveals each selection.
-- BRUBECK: A spectator shuffles and cuts the deck into several piles, selects a card in a fair manner and loses it in the piles as the deck is haphazardly and randomly reconstructed. The magician is able to easily locate the selection and reproduce it in any manner they wish.
-- HANG TEN: A dancing cane move where the hands move but the cane hangs suspended in the air.
-- SHARPLY SCRIBBLED: A spectator signs the face of a card which is lost into the deck. While the deck is behind their back, they cut the deck several times and scribble on the back of a random card. The cards are spread and the ONLY card with scribbling on its back is the spectator’s signed selection!
-- CARD DOG: TWO spectators select playing cards which will be considered “small children who have wandered into the woods.” Both are lost into the pack. A Post-It sticky note acts as a bloodhound which locates both of the lost children. Based on a trick by Jeff Prace.
-- F.B.I.: Using your entire body as a card index. A weird but interesting concept.
-- THE HILTON CHANGE: With the wave of a hand, a card instantly changes into another. This is easy to do and looks like real magic.
-- BACKSTAGE PASS: A deck of cards is cut secretly during a squaring action. Meant to be used in a stage situation because of the angles. Uses Roger Klause’s brilliant idea of “half moves.”
-- SHORT WAVE: A simple transposition effect. Nothing fancy but a real crowd pleaser. Works nicely as phase #73 of an Ambitious Card routine.
-- LOST & SNIFFED: The spectator selects a card fairly and shuffles it back into the deck. The magician finds it using only the sense of SMELL! Geoff’s version of a Danny Archer effect.
-- BREATHER CRAMP: This is a specialized breather crimp (BC) that can be distinguished by feel alone.
-- THE DEFIBRILLATOR: A card is selected and hidden away while the magician's back is turned (NO ONE sees the face of the card). The cards are handed under the table to the magician. He proceeds to reveal what the chosen card is by revealing what the chosen card ISN'T a little at a time. Geoff’s handling of an effect by Spanish master Ramón Riobóo.
-- MUCH HARDER THAN IT NEEDS TO BE: A Triumph-style trick that teaches an important lesson.
48-page manuscript with more than
70 graphics and illustrations comes in TWO formats:
— PDF file sent via email: only $15
— 8.5" X 11" printed manuscript
with glossy cover: only $25
(postage paid in the US)
Geoff's 4th set of lecture notes contains some KILLER, and surprisingly-easy-to-do, COMMERCIAL material. Something for absolutely EVERYBODY (from close-up to stage performers), all skill levels, cards, coins, rubber bands, silverware, and more.
Skill level required for most of the tricks: beginner to intermediate. There are NO center deals, one-handed multiple shifts, or miserably difficult moves of ANY kind here. All effects are direct from Geoff's strolling, parlour and stage repertoires and are no nonsense, do-able, real-world workers (that appear to be much harder than they really are)! I can assure you that magicians of all skill levels will have fun playing with the moves and ideas in these notes.
-- A MAGICAL JOKE (Roy Walton): a very simple and funny "mathematical" card trick with a surprise ending.
-- CREEPY RUBBER BAND THING: a rubber band is looped over your index and middle finger and then is pulled cleanly and slowly through your middle finger. Worth the price of the book.
-- KEWPIE: A coin is placed in your hand. A pen is passed through your fist and the coin vanishes completely. After showing the pen cleanly, you dump the coin out of the cap of the pen. Everything is examinable.
-- JW GRIP (Jimmy Wilson): a clever coin concealment used in “Kewpie.”
-- FORKLIFT: a metal fork is placed on the table and animates eerily with no apparent movement on your part.
-- 188: a fun routine utilizing the $100 Bill Change.
-- BYE-BYE!: a freely selected card is lost in the deck. Everyone present waves “Bye-Bye!” to the chosen card. When the deck is spread, the cards are seen to be in order yet, at the exact spot where their card should be, is a completely blank card, the face of their card having gone “Bye-Bye!”
-- SHUFFLE & CUT HOLDOUT: a utility move where spectators assist you in shuffling the entire deck but your setup on top is undisturbed.
-- B-14: three spectators select cards but they are all blank. Using random values supplied by the spectators, the blank cards are introduced back into the deck only to find three aces. The spectators’ random values are added together to count down to the last ace.
-- QUINTUPLETS: the standard “Baby Gag” but with a 5-way out.
-- THE TRICK THAT VERNON TRIED TO EXPLAIN TO ME FOR A QUARTER: a variant of Dai Vernon’s “The Trick That Cannot Be Explained” using a quarter. The trick is different every time it’s performed.
-- FLOATY: A card disappears, reappears, and floats eerily between your hands. Completely impromptu by relying on pure sleight-of-hand.
(a book for beginners and non-magicians)
45-page manuscript with more than
36 graphics and illustrations comes in TWO formats:
— PDF file sent via email: only $15
— 8.5" x 11" full-color printed manuscript
with glossy cover: only $20
(postage paid in the US)
15 Easy Magic Tricks YOU Can Do!
-- 3-CUP TRICK: Bob Hummer’s amazing trick where you locate a ball of tissue under one of three cups (and your spectator helper may have lost track of where it is)!
-- THIEVES AND SHEEP: Pennies travel from one hand to another with no suspicious moves.
-- BIPOLAR GEORGE: Make the President’s portrait on a bill VISIBLY change from happy to sad!
-- THE 9 OF DIAMONDS TRICK: A deck of cards is shuffled thoroughly by a spectator and dealt into three piles. A prediction placed on the table at the beginning is unfolded several times to show several predictions…ALL WHICH HAVE COME TRUE!
-- THE MAGNETIC QUEENS: (a.k.a. “Gemini Twins” by Karl Fulves) The spectator accidentally finds the only two other cards that can match the magician’s two predictions!
-- BLACKJACK WAR: Cards are ripped in half, the pieces shuffled and, while spelling the names of card games pieces are discarded. The last two pieces MATCH! Not only that, but all of the discarded pairs MATCH, TOO!
-- A LITTLE R & B: Two spectators each choose a card freely from the deck. They memorize their cards and then replace them into the deck. The deck is cut several times. In spite of these impossible conditions, the magician is able to find both selections.
-- THE JUMPING TOOTHPICK: One toothpick bounces eerily while resting on another.
-- ROLLOVER BILLS: Two bills placed “face-to-face” and are rolled up. When they are unrolled, they are found to have magically changed to “back-to-back.”
-- THE GEOFF WILLIAMS CARD TRICK: A card trick you can perform OVER THE PHONE!
-- THE VANISHING COIN: A borrowed coin is marked and wrapped in paper. The paper is then torn to pieces and the vanished coin is found elsewhere!
-- THE DISAPPEARING RUBBER BAND: Two rubber bands are plainly held it your fingertips. One of the bands melts away completely.
-- INSTA-LINK PAPER CLIPS: You instantly link two paper clips and a rubber band together.
-- QUARTER THROUGH TABLE: You attempt to push a quarter through the table while it is covered by a saltshaker which is, in turn, covered by a paper napkin. Suddenly, it is the SALTSHAKER that goes through the table!
-- TORN & RESTRAWED: A drinking straw wrapper is borrowed from a spectator, unmistakably torn to pieces and, with no funny moves, is restored to it's original condition.